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Region 1 RDHRS Webinar: Healthcare Worker Wellbeing and Resiliency on the Frontlines of COVID-19

We are pleased to share the opportunity to participate in a regional webinar hosted by the Region 1 RDHRS in collaboration with the Region 1 ASPR staff. This webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, March 30th from 3pm-4pm EST, will review existing healthcare wellbeing approaches prior to COVID-19, discuss the behavioral health burdens faced by front-line healthcare workers during the COVID-19 crisis, describe the psychological impact during each phase of disaster and the most common responses experienced due to traumatic events, and identify actions taken and resources utilized in current healthcare system COVID-19 wellbeing and resiliency efforts.

We hope you will join us for this set of expert presentations. Please feel free to share the attached flyer (which you may have already received from our ASPR colleagues) with clinicians and other relevant groups within your networks.

Please note we have included the Webinar Zoom information and link<> (passcode: 160393) on the flyer, so there is no need to register in advance.

We look forward to your participation.

Webinar Flyer