
2024 Annual Risk Report: Everstream Analytics Webinar

The 2024 Annual Risk report is out and ready for review. Below are two methods of information. One being a PDF version of the report as well as a Youtube Webinar. The webinar is the preferred method.

Active Threat Webinar: SurviVermont

Local MRC partners, SVMC, and Bennington Police and Rescue presents SurviVermont. It is available to anyone in Vermont who requests it. This includes:

  • Trauma Bags are given free to organizations in Bennington County who take the training

  • Click on the invite and outreach letter (pertinent to Bennington County)

  • This is a local training given back in 2019 and re-edited into a 35 minute webinar useful for anyone to take

Click HERE to view the training

Barriers to Patient Flow: Patient Placement Playbook

This Playbook draws from the expertise of the Barriers to Patient Flow Workgroup listed below. The Workgroup convened to identify and overcome challenges with post-acute patient placement that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Disabilities Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)

  • Department of Mental Health (DMH)

  • Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)

  • Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (VAHHS)

  • Vermont Department of Health (VDH)

  • Vermont Health Care Association (VHCA)

  • Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC)

In December 2021, we supported an existing initiative with the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) in working with hospitals to overcome challenges with post-acute patient placement that was exacerbated by COVID-19. Below is the playbook to help resolve these issues:

Burn Surge Management Training

Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition Burn Surge Management Training

  • Module 1: Hazards that can lead to a burn disaster and historical examples, case studies

  • Module 2: Burn triage, overview of triage inputs and triage decision-making considerations

  • Module 4: Burn surge disaster plan development, key considerations developing a burn surge strategy for your organization

Brockton Hospital: February 2023 Fire & Evacuation Resources

ASPR TRACIE put out a webinar about lessons learned from the Hospital fire/evacuation that occurred last February. More information about the event and webinar can be found with the link below:

emPOWER Data: Vermont

The de-identified (HIPAA masked) dataset includes at-risk Medicare beneficiaries from the Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS/Parts A & B) and Medicare Advantage (CMS’ HMO plans/Part C) Programs that rely upon the electricity-dependent durable medical equipment (DME) and cardiac implantable devices and healthcare services that include ESRD (dialysis), oxygen tank services, and home health visits. Detailed information regarding the dataset are included in the Menu tab and the Data Overview tabs of the attached workbook. Vermont HHS emPOWER Initiative Emergency Planning de-identified datasets are listed below:

Exercise Templates

Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Healthcare and EMS Preparedness Webinar Series

View the recordings of the 2022 Webinar Series sessions HERE.

View the recordings of the 2023 Webinar Series sessions HERE.

First Receiver Training for Vermont

Many of you have reached out asking about First Receiver Training. The State of Vermont offers free First Receiver Training for your facility upon request. To request a training and to review training details view the VT State Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Response Team page and contact Chief Patrick McLaughlin directly.

Healthcare Decon Training Course Part 2 (Sponsored by VHEPC)

VHEPC has partnered with D2 Emergency Management Consulting to provide on-site first receivers training to four Vermont Healthcare facilities during May, 2025. The eight hour training will alternate between classroom and practical exercises, to include:

  • Set up of decontamination lane

  • PPE donning and doffing

  • Review of roles and responsibilities

  • Alternatives to wet decon (PRISM study)

View all training options and apply to attend HERE.

Hospital Decontamination Self-Assessment Tool

The Hospital Decontamination Self-Assessment Tool was developed by the Harvard School of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise Program (HSPH-EPREP) through a contract with the Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, with funding from the Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Hospital Preparedness Program. Below is a resource to assist hospitals evaluate decontamination plans and capabilities.

Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Basics Course

This 4.5 hour course provides an overview of the Hospital Incident Command System (HICSi) and the operation of the Hospital Command Center (HCC) during emergencies. The course includes hands-on training and use of HICS forms and tools.

The course prepares all levels of hospital management to meet the following:

  • Joint Commission Standard EM.01.01.01, EP 7: The hospital’s incident command structure is integrated and consistent with its community’s command structure.

  • NIMS Compliance Objective #7: Demonstrated the use of NIMS principles and ICS Management structure in training and exercises.

To access the course, visit the site, HERE.

INEX-6 Invitation to Play

The Sixth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-6) is taking place March 19, 20 and 21. This is different from most exercises as it is focusing on long-term recovery. In the United States, the EPA is managing planning and participation. It should be an excellent investment of time and a lot of the issues being managed will be similar to those for other kinds of large-scale environmental emergencies. It will be in four modules over three days:

  1. Health Impacts

  2. Food Safety

  3. Remediation and Decontamination

  4. Waste Management

You can choose any of the modules you would like to participate in. Play can be as simple as listening. If you would like to participate, please contact Danielle Montecalvo at and tell her which modules you want to play in. Please copy Dr. Bill Irwin ( and Richard Spiese of DEC. Richard is Vermont’s lead planner and his email is

KCER: Kidney Community Joint Training Session - Dialysis Community Joint Training

The Joint Training Session was a collaborative meeting where the Kidney Community Emergency Response (KCER) Program, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network, and the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC) shared information and resources with dialysis providers from Vermont. The recording is now available to review here. We invite dialysis providers and response partners from Vermont, and those who were unable to attend the session, to review and share the recording with others who may benefit from the Vermont Dialysis Community.

Below is a list of the KCER resources shared during training:

Regional Disaster Health Response System: Regional Webinars

The Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) has provided webinars that address best practices across a number of response capabilities within Region 1. The webinars include information on Family Reunification, Surging Hospital ICU Capacities, Ebola, Pediatric Patients and Acute Respiratory Illness, Fever and Traveling, Crisis Standards of Care, Legal Landscape for Emergency Preparedness, Healthcare Worker Wellbeing and much more! Be sure to check out the webinar linked below:

RHIhub: Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) is a great source to keep up to date on rural health topics, funding opportunities, resources, and upcoming events for rural health stakeholders. The RHIhub website and newsletter can be found below.

Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit

The Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub), in collaboration with the NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis, is announcing the release of the Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit. This new toolkit was developed to help rural and tribal communities, healthcare facilities, and other organizations serving rural populations access evidence-based and promising models and resources to support emergency planning, response, and recovery efforts.

The Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit consists of 6 modules and a set of 31 case studies and provides information, publications, tools, and other resources related to rural emergency preparedness and response:

  • Infectious Disease Outbreaks

  • Natural Disasters and Agricultural Impacts

  • Equipment and Infrastructure Failures

  • Chemical and Radiation Emergencies

  • Mass Casualty Incidents

  • Bioterrorism

Access the Rural Emergency Preparedness Response Toolkit HERE.

Using a VDH Satellite Phone

Please review the SAT Phone resource below on how to use it: