For some people, the effects of COVID-19 can last well beyond the immediate illness. Patients and clinicians across the United States are reporting long-term effects of COVID-19, commonly referred to as long COVID. Symptoms may include cognitive difficulties, fatigue, and shortness of breath. In some patients, critical illness from COVID-19 may be the cause of persistent symptoms, but many patients with long-term effects had mild or asymptomatic acute COVID-19 infection. During this COCA Call, presenters will share their firsthand experiences with treating long COVID, focusing on the pulmonary, neurologic, and psychological aspects. They will also describe their experiences with establishing clinics that provide care for patients with these long-term effects.
If you are unable to attend the live COCA Call, the recording will be available for viewing on the COCA Call webpage a few hours after the live event ends.
The slide set will be available on the day of the call under "Call Materials" on the COCA Call webpage.
Free Continuing Education (CE) will be offered for this COCA Call.
Advanced registration is not required.
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
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