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VHEPC Integrated Preparedness Planning Work Group Meeting

Please log into the Member Portal, under this work group page to get the call-in information.

We've officially merged! VHEPC Planning, Training and Exercise work group meetings will now be combined into the VHEPC Integrated Preparedness Planning Work Group.

Goal and Objectives for the Integrated Preparedness Planning Work Group:

The overarching goal of the VHEPC IPP Work Group is to develop coalition-level preparedness/response plans that align with state and regional level plans and to conduct training and exercises to validate these plans.

Objectives for 2020-2021:
1. Bring current revised coalition preparedness and response plans to a coalition vote on 9/17/2020- DONE
2. Develop a draft Infectious Disease Surge Annex by 3/31/2021
3. Develop a final Infectious Disease Surge Annex by 6/30/2021
4. Revise 2021-2023 Training and Exercise Plan by 2/28/2021
5. Conduct annual revision of coalition plans by 6/30/2021
6. Collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure coalition level plans are complimentary to (and not contradictory of) state-level plans- ongoing (This may require additional tactics to reach this objective)
7. Provide training and TTX for infectious disease surge annex- 3/31/2021
8. Coordinate/sponsor additional trainings for coalition members – 6/30/2021

Additional Planning Priorities that VHEPC is an Active Partner
• Crisis Standards of Care Work Group
• RDHRS (Regional disaster health response system)
• Medical Surge Work Group
• Statewide Interhospital Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
• Additional large-scale MOUs that may need to be revised and/or developed