Tabletop in a Box

In addition to two live, All Clear facilitated, tabletop exercises, you will have access to an ‘exercise in a box’. This will consist of everything you will need to facilitate a tabletop exercise at your own facility. You may download the following documents to facilitate your a Tabletop Exercise on your own :

  1. Wicked Weather Tabletop Exercise Facilitation Guide and Instructions

  2. Wicked Weather Situation Manual

  3. Wicked Weather Sign in Sheet

  4. Wicked Weather Exercise Presentation

  5. Wicked Weather Exercise Evaluation Guide

  6. Wicked Weather After-Action Report and Improvement Plan Template

  7. Wicked Weather Participant Feedback Form

  8. Wicked Weather Participant Worksheet

All of these documents are annotated with step-by-step directions that will walk you through the use of the materials.

PDF Version of Tabletop in a Box

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