November 2023 Newsletter
Welcome to the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition Newsletter
November 2023
As a valued partner of the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC), you will receive this quarterly newsletter highlighting coalition business, upcoming events and preparedness resources. As a reminder, we recommend that you bookmark the VHEPC website calendar and check it often. We are continually curating the calendar with meetings, trainings and exercises.
Our Mission
Our coalition is a multi-disciplinary partnership collaborating with our members, stakeholders, and surrounding communities to improve and expand emergency preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. The VHEPC works with healthcare entities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies in the state of Vermont.
VHEPC Announcements and Upcoming Events
VHEPC November Coalition Meeting
VHEPC Resource Assessment: What Shareable Resources Do You Have?
It is time to update the Resource Analysis Reference Table that was created with your assistance last year. We are looking to both confirm previously reported sharable resources as well as identify any new resources that are available across Coalition membership.
Please submit your feedback by Friday, November 17th!
HHS Office for Civil Rights Issues Resources for Health Care Providers and Patients to Help Educate Patients about Telehealth and the Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information
“Telehealth is a wonderful tool that can increase patients’ access to health care and improve health care outcomes,” said Office of Civil Rights Director Melanie Fontes Rainer. “Health care providers can support telehealth by helping patients understand privacy and security risks and effective cybersecurity practices so patients are confident that their health information remains private.”
Read the full press release from HHS.
Vermont: emPOWER & SVI De-identified Data
The HHS emPOWER Program is a partnership between the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The HHS emPOWER Program provides federal data, mapping, and artificial intelligence tools that are used to protect the of Medicare beneficiaries who are also relying on electrically powered medical devices. Currently there are 4.2 million individuals who live independently and rely on electricity-dependent medical and assistive equipment and devices, and or essential health care services.
Training Corner
National Incident Management System Training
FEMA provides free emergency response trainings for those wishing to improve their training and knowledge in National Incident Management System (NIMS). The FEMA website provides more detail stating “The Emergency Management Institute works in collaboration with the whole community to provide training in support of the NIMS Training Program. The Preparedness Branch coordinates EMI’s NIMS training efforts with the National Integration Center (NIC) to integrate NIMS doctrine and training with whole community needs.
See link below for more information and to view available trainings.
Colorado's 2024 Access and Functional Needs University
The Colorado Access and Functional Needs Team is excited to announce that registration is now open! This opportunity will help participants look at a "Whole Community Inclusion - Moving Beyond the Buzzword" approach. Upon completion of this program, participants will have the tools to be a partner to support local and state emergency management to identify the CMIST Resource disruptions before, during, and after disasters to integrate whole community inclusion into overall emergency management.
Week 1 - January 9 - 11, 2024 | 8am - 5pm MT
Week 2 - January 23 - 25, 2024 | 8am - 5pm MT
Offered both in-Person at DHSEM Glasow Room, 9195 E Mineral Ave. Suite 200, Centennial, CO 80112 or virtually via Zoom Platform.
RHC Emergency Preparedness 101
Whether you are brand new to RHC emergency preparedness requirements, or just want to confirm that your knowledge is up to date, we encourage you to join us for an upcoming webinar on Tuesday, November 7th at 3 PM ET with experienced RHC practice manager, Scott Robbins.
This webinar will provide an overview of the RHC Emergency Preparedness requirements found in RHC regulation and interpretive guidance, review the important components of your EP manual, learn sample exercises, and more!
There will also be a Q&A session during the webinar.
Date: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, 3 PM Eastern
Speaker: Scott Robbins, Pediatric Clinic Practice Manager / Women & Children’s Services Clinic Practice Manager, Southeast Health
Portable Hospital Drill at RRMC November 3-4
The VDH Medical Countermeasures Program is partnering with the Medical Reserve Corps to do a portable hospital setup drill at Rutland Regional Medical Center on November 3-4.
Community partners, including hospitals, EMS and other allied health partners, are invited to visit RRMC and tour the portable hospital in order to learn more about this critical medical surge asset and how it can be deployed for medical support in emergencies.
Walk-throughs of the hospital will be from 1pm-4pm on November 3 (Friday) and from 9am-1pm on November 4 (Saturday.)
Any agency interested in touring is welcome to contact Heather Rigney at
Healthcare Workplace Violence Mitigation and Control Strategies
The prevalence of violence in healthcare is not new. However, it has been trending upward on a consistent basis at an alarming rate for the past decade. This increase in violence in health care has garnered the attention of not just those who work in the industry, but also their families and those seeking care within the environment. This session will explore the unique challenges to providing a safe, secure, healing, and caring environment while at the same time protecting workers and maintaining regulatory compliance. Recognizing that all organizations have their own unique identity and culture, and that “one-size-fits-all” solutions are not always a viable approach to a sustained results, this presentation will provide examples, options for consideration, primers of thought, and tactics that the participant can adapt and fit to their organizational culture.
Wednesday, November 15 from 11am - 12pm Central Time
Discussion Based Exercise Design for Healthcare
Hosted by the Center for Preparedness and Emergency Response Solutions
December 4 & 5, 2023
In-person-Omaha, NE
Instructors: Keith Hansen & Kristine Sanger, Co-Directors, AHEPP
Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) - Regional Webinars
The RDHRS envisions a coordinated, resilient and seamless system of partners working together to ensure the healthcare needs of the public can be met in times of disaster. At all levels of the RDHRS, activities aim to optimize clinical surge capacity and, provide appropriate clinical and healthcare operational expertise to support healthcare disaster response planning. Within the Regional Webinars, specific topics including Family Reunification, the Ebola Outbreak, Pediatric Respiratory Illness and much more have been recorded for healthcare education!
Access the online webinars, below!
State of New Hampshire Department of Safety
Regional Training Opportunities Bulletin
This is a list of trainings available from the State of New Hampshire, Department of Safety, and our regional partners.
NATO StTARS - Software Tools for Triage of the Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Practical Workshop
During this workshop, speakers will describe the purpose and function of software tools developed by scientific groups within NATO. These tools either allow an integrated estimation of dose (BAT, WinFRAT), or the prediction of ARS severity based on changes in blood cell counts (H-module) in the first days after an exposure to ionizing radiation. You will be introduced to these tools primarily by those who developed them, so that you will receive first-hand knowledge about their strengths and limitations.
The workshop is for civilian or military personnel with a medical background or those dealing with medical decision-making in the field of radiological or nuclear threats.
Date- November 7-10, 2023
Location- Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Fee- $400
Partner Resources
Pacific ADA Updates, November 2023
How to modify a home for low vision - Home modifications are important for individuals with low vision. Here are 11 tips for creating a safer and more accessible living space.
How poor website accessibility can hurt your brand and business - Most small businesses don't know their websites have to comply with the ADA. Inclusive web design can help them reach a wider audience and have others view their companies in a positive way.
Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines arrive as cities focus on walkability - The U.S. Access Board released these new guidelines that are very relevant to city planning efforts to improve walkability and accessibility.
ASPR Health Care Readiness Bulletin
Week of October 30, 2023
This bulletin provides the latest news and information related to ASPR's Health Care Readiness Programs, in addition to links to a variety of emergency preparedness and response tools and resources.
EMSC Pulse, November Edition
Featured resources: The Pediatric Pandemic Network has curated resources for coping with armed conflicts, to provide support for health care providers, parents, caregivers, and children during challenging times.
The ASPR TRACIE Express: October 2023
This issue of The Express highlights the following new and updated resources:
Cybersecurity Incident Response Preparedness (Speaker Series Recording)
Lessons Learned from the Pediatric Tripledemic- Systems, Staff, Space, and Supplies (ASPR TRACIE Roundtable)
Pre-Hospital Topic Collection (Updated)
As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to an end, we invite you to access our Cybersecurity Topic Collection and our Cybersecurity Resources Page for related resources. Please reach out to ASPR TRACIE if you need technical assistance.
Vermont Emergency Management October 2023 Newsletter
The Vermont Emergency Management October newsletter is available.
Vermont Emergency Management Newsletter
Vermont Emergency Management (VEM)
Vermont Emergency Management sends out a monthly newsletter that informs Emergency Preparedness workers about statewide trainings, exercises, conferences and other activities. To sign up for their monthly newsletter, please click on the link here:
To view the most recent VEM Newsletter, please click on the button below.
New Hampshire Monthly Training Newsletter
State of New Hampshire
Most of the classes are tuition free and help prepare the responders, citizens, volunteers, and decision makers to prepare, prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from emergencies. You can get the most updated list of training for HSEM at
To view the most recent NH Newsletter, please click on the button below.
Region 1 Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS)
The Region 1 Disaster Health Response System (R1 RDHRS) exists to develop innovative mechanisms that link experts in healthcare disaster response with other key healthcare, governmental and community partners and stakeholders to improve coordination of planning and response activities and support optimal patient care during disasters.
For more information on their resources and services, visit the site linked on the button below.
IPRO QIN-QIO Upcoming Events
The IPRO QIN-QIO works to ensure high-quality, safe health care in New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
To become involved with their trainings and resources, enroll with them below