May 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition Newsletter
As a valued partner of the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC), you will receive this quarterly newsletter highlighting coalition business, upcoming events and preparedness resources. As a reminder, we recommend that you bookmark the VHEPC website calendar and check it often. We are continually curating the calendar with meetings, trainings and exercises.
Our Mission
Our coalition is a multi-disciplinary partnership collaborating with our members, stakeholders, and surrounding communities to improve and expand emergency preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. The VHEPC works with healthcare entities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies in the state of Vermont.
Upcoming VHEPC Events
Full Coalition Meeting- May 9th
This year’s conference to f
eature keynote speaker Stephen Murray, MPH, NRP
Director of the Massachusetts Overdose Prevention Helpline
Drawing on his extensive personal and professional experience as an overdose survivor, overdose first responder and overdose program implementer and researcher, Stephen will explore the evolving overdose crisis, the public health and EMS response, the impact on EMS systems and resilience, and current landscape of overdose prevention innovation.
Additional Details:
Two days of preconference workshops
Three full days of conference sessions
The opportunity to earn continuing education credit for EMS providers and general certificates of attendance
Two days of exhibitors (Friday, June 14 and Saturday, June 15)
A Friday evening Vendor Reception followed by vendor sponsored water-park access
And so much more!
Upcoming Conference Deadlines:
May 10 - Preconference workshop minimum registration deadlines. Workshops that don't meet their minimum registration numbers are subject to cancelation.
May 22 - Jay Peak starts to release hotel rooms from the room block. Reserve your room before it is too late!
It’s Not Too Late to Join One of the Remaining Decon Classes!
The Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition has partnered with D2 Emergency Management Consulting to provide on-site first receivers training to eight Vermont Healthcare facilities. The training will alternate between classroom and practical exercises, to include:
Set up of decontamination lane
PPE donning and doffing
Review of roles and responsibilities
Alternatives to wet decon (PRISM study)
Space is limited to 24 participants and will be approved based on a tiered system. After submitting, you will receive a separate email communication when you have been accepted to the course. Additional details:
Certificates of completion will be provided to all who complete the training.
Food will not be provided during this event.
Contact with any questions.
Register now (using the links below) for one of the decon classes that still have seats available:
VHEPC Announcements
Save the date: The 50th EMS Week is May 19-25, with EMSC Day on Wednesday, May 22!
Access promo materials, including template proclamations, here. EMS is usually all about the moment. Thinking about your last patient could distract you from what’s happening to the person lying on the stretcher in front of you right now. Worrying too much about the next call isn’t too helpful, when you have no idea what it might bring. But the past holds immense lessons—whether it’s the experience of the people who train us or the struggles and triumphs from EMS’s earliest days.
This year, as we recognize the 50th anniversary of the first National EMS Week, we honor those who came before us, especially those who challenged the status quo and raised the bar for all of us. And at the same time, we look forward, building on their efforts and committing ourselves to forge a future for the next generation of EMS professionals to serve their communities.
Older Americans Month
Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. OAM will explore the vital role that connectedness plays in supporting independence and aging in place by combatting isolation, loneliness, and other issues. Checkout some ways to participate at Older Americans Month 2024 | ACL Administration for Community Living.
Quick Links:
Vermont: emPOWER & SVI De-identified Data
The HHS emPOWER Program is a partnership between the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The HHS emPOWER Program provides federal data, mapping, and artificial intelligence tools that are used to protect the of Medicare beneficiaries who are also relying on electrically powered medical devices. Currently there are 4.2 million individuals who live independently and rely on electricity-dependent medical and assistive equipment and devices, and or essential health care services.
EMS and Fire-Rescue Agencies: National Assessment NOW OPEN!
Prehospital Pediatric Assessment Launches Today! After four years of preparation and development, the Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) Assessment launches today! The assessment provides EMS and fire-rescue agencies the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate their readiness to provide high-quality care during pediatric emergencies. The assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, agencies will receive a report detailing their gaps and benchmarking information. Access the survey at the button below or help us in our mission to reach over 15,000 EMS and fire-rescue agencies by using our promotional materials. Thank you to everyone involved in launching the assessment, including: PPRP Co-Leads, Kathleen Adelgais, MD, MPH, Rachael Alter, BS, and Kathy Brown, MD | The 30+ members of the PPRP Steering Committee | All 57 EMSC State Partnership Program teams | The EMSC Data Center and EMSC Innovation & Improvement Center!
New Training Opportunities
2024 Primary Care Conference: Defining Our New Norms
Bi-State Primary Care Association
May 21 @ 7:30 AM ET
Now is the time to Reinvent Normal. As everyone talks about getting back to normal, this talk asks the big question: Why? Was your old normal everything you wanted it to be. At work and at home, it’s time to break old habits and routines? It’s time to make things better. Reinventing Normal helps you learn how to stay positive, build resilience, live with uncertainty, and find and use your skills to make you a better leader -- and a better follower. Don’t miss the opportunity to build new. You will learn and laugh a lot while he takes us on the adventure of making your new normal not just productive, but also fun, positive, and hopeful.
NEW PODCAST: Working Strategically Across Agencies to Maximize Investments in the Social Determinants of Health
Federal and state agencies are teaming up to improve communities by addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH).
Sustainable funding approaches that address SDOH are ongoing challenges. However, initiatives like People in Places Thriving, which aims to improve community resilience and well-being, are making progress.
Hear from public health experts, including HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Rachel Levine (alumni-PA), on how agencies are collaborating to tackle these issues.
Radiation Emergency Medicine REAC/TS Course
This three-day course is intended to teach physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and other healthcare providers treatment and care of patients involved in radiological or nuclear incidents. First responders, emergency management and public health professionals may also find the course beneficial. The course emphasizes the practical aspects of initial hospital management of irradiated and/or contaminated patients through lectures and hands-on practical exercises.
Location: Our facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Dates: June 11-13, 2024
Registration: Links available on the REAC/TS website.
NEW AHEPP WEBINAR RECORDING: Build, Evaluate, Track and Improve: A Systems Approach for Healthcare Preparedness & Resilience
Presented by Mary Connelly, Emergency Management Project Officer at the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU).
Vermont Learning Management System
Most trainings require a Learning Management System(LMS) account. If you don’t have an account, you can register for one here.
MGT -417: Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents for Key Decision Makers
The purpose of this 2 day management/planning level course is to provide the operational-level details to support many of the topics covered in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approved AWR 148: Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents – Partnering Rural Law Enforcement and the Local School Systems awareness-level course. Rural schools, law enforcement, other emergency responders, and community stakeholders are often limited in their access to resources, so it is imperative that all potentially affected parties collaborate in planning, preparation, communication, response, and recovery in the event of a school-based incident. With the intent of building upon the foundation of the AWR 148 course and utilizing an all-hazards approach, this two-day course will provide content instruction, develop concept-specific skills, and provide opportunities for law enforcement, school personnel, and community stakeholders to collaboratively apply the course objectives in scenario-based applications.
LOCATION: Town of Barre Municipal Building, Websterville, VT
DATE/TIME: May 23, 2024, 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. & May 24, 2024, 8:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
REGISTRATION: required via Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium
State Emergency Operation Center Orientation
The purpose of this training is to provide an overview of the State Emergency Operations Center. This course is ONLY available to those who staff the Vermont State Emergency Operations Center.
LOCATION: DPS Headquarters, Waterbury, VT
DATE/TIME: June 4, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
PREREQUISITES: ICS-100 and WebEOC Sate User Training REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
HSEEP Bootcamp
The goal of this course, Exercise Bootcamp, is to reinforce prior exercise management training and to coach emergency managers through the planning, conduct, and evaluation of a tabletop exercise. The course is divided into four modules each focusing on a different aspect of the exercise management process, with a combination of classroom instruction and individualized engagement between students and instructors. The modules are Module 1: Scoping, Module 2: Design and Evaluation Planning, Module 3: Preparing for Conduct and Module 4: Post-Conduct (AAR and Beyond). LOCATION: Virtual
Day 1- June 14, 2024, 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Day 2- July 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Day 3- August 9, 2024, 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. REQUIRED: Conduct your table top between August 10th and October 1st
Day 4- October 11, 2024, 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. PREREQUISITES: L0146 Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP), Previous participation in an exercise (as document by a sign-in sheet and accompanying brief narrative describing the student’s role in the exercise(s))
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System. Must attend all four days to receive credit.
For a complete listing of trainings go to the Events Calendar in the LMS.
Ongoing Training Options
HHS/ASPR Project ECHO Clinical Readiness Rounds Sessions
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and Project ECHO have launched this program designed to create peer-to-peer learning networks where clinicians who have more experience treating patients in emergency situations share their challenges and successes with clinicians across the U.S. and around the world with a wide variety of experience of these situations. Topics for sessions are based on new and emergent information around emergency preparedness, as well as topics requested by participants.
Clinical Readiness Rounds sessions occur every other Tuesday from 11:00am-12:00pm EDT, Upcoming sessions include:
May 7th- Health Care Readiness for H5N1 Bird Flu by Lauren Sauer, Alex Isakov, Vikram Mukherjee
May 21st- EMS Readiness For All Threats: Today and Tomorrow. Carol Cunningham, Tripp Winslow
Click here to see all upcoming sessions or here to register for an upcoming Clinical Readiness Rounds session.
Vermont EMS for Children 2024 Case Review and PECC Open Forum
Join the Vermont Emergency Medical Services for Children for a monthly Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) open forum followed by a case review:
Next Meeting: May 23rd
Time: 6:30 pm - PECC Open Forum, 7:00 pm - Case Review
Register Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 367 967 6382, Passcode: EMSC
National Incident Management System Training
FEMA provides free emergency response trainings for those wishing to improve their training and knowledge in National Incident Management System (NIMS). The FEMA website provides more detail stating “The Emergency Management Institute works in collaboration with the whole community to provide training in support of the NIMS Training Program. The Preparedness Branch coordinates EMI’s NIMS training efforts with the National Integration Center (NIC) to integrate NIMS doctrine and training with whole community needs.
See link below for more information and to view available trainings.
Regional Disaster Health Response System- Regional Webinars
The Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) envisions a coordinated, resilient and seamless system of partners working together to ensure the healthcare needs of the public can be met in times of disaster. At all levels of the RDHRS, activities aim to optimize clinical surge capacity and, provide appropriate clinical and healthcare operational expertise to support healthcare disaster response planning. Within the Regional Webinars, specific topics including Family Reunification, the Ebola Outbreak, Pediatric Respiratory Illness and much more have been recorded for healthcare education!
New Hampshire Emergency Management Courses
These training courses, developed and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are available to officials from all levels of government, emergency services personnel, representatives from private sector organizations, representatives of business and industry, and others with responsibility for response to or management of resources related to emergency preparedness activities of government.
Partner Resources
Pacific ADA Updates
March 2024 Highlights
We're excited to introduce our new Center on Disability website! The Center on Disability provides education, support, and advocacy to advance the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in all areas of society. It houses all of our services and programs, including the Pacific ADA Center and BeyondAccess Consulting. You are probably familiar with the Pacific ADA Center, but did you know BeyondAccess Consulting can provide customized in-person or virtual training on disability-related topics? This program also provides building and facility accessibility assessments and live courses and will soon offer on-demand courses. All of our Center on Disability programs focus on increasing access and inclusion for people with disabilities.
We invite you to explore our websites and contact us if you have any questions or are interested in our services.
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Training Bulletin
June 2024 Edition
CISA is the operational lead for federal cybersecurity and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience. CISA works with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborate to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future, including a broad array of online training options.
ASTHO Public Health Weekly
Week of March 21, 2024 Highlights
EMSC Pulse
May 2024 Edition
Partners advocate for EMSC: A bipartisan, bicameral bill to reauthorize the EMSC Program has been introduced in the House (HR 6960) and in the Senate (S.3765). Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and Emergency Nurses Association hosted Hill Days in April that included EMSC reauthorization among their advocacy priorities. The American College of Surgeons and American Hospital Association also published news pieces highlighting their support of the program. Learn more about reauthorization and EMSC’s impact.
Featured Resources: Did you know April was Child Abuse Awareness Month? One in four children in the United States are abused or neglected, and 18% of these children experience physical abuse. EMSC’s Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kit (PEAK) includes new bottom-line recommendations, a simulation kit, podcasts, a learning module, and more. All resources are free and open access. View the resources here.
Express: April 2024
This issue of The Express highlights the following new and updated resources:
Experiences from the Field: The Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital Fire
Crisis Standards of Care Resources PageDisasters and Healthcare Disparity Topic Collection
April is National Minority Health Month; our can help you understand the role of social determinants in disaster preparedness and response and patient care. It is also Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Month; we invite you to check out our On-Campus Health Care Facility Armed Assailant Planning Considerations document that can help you prepare your facility to mitigate, respond to, and recover from an active shooter or armed assailant situation. Please reach out to ASPR TRACIE if you need technical assistance.
Vermont Emergency Management Newsletter
Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) sends out a monthly newsletter that informs Emergency Preparedness workers about statewide trainings, exercises, conferences and other activities. To sign up for their monthly newsletter, please click here or view the most recent VEM Newsletter below.
New Hampshire Monthly Training Newsletter
State of New Hampshire
Most of the classes are tuition free and help prepare the responders, citizens, volunteers, and decision makers to prepare, prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from emergencies. You can get the most updated list of training for HSEM at here.
To view the most recent NH Newsletter, please click on the button below.
Region 1 Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS)
The Region 1 Disaster Health Response System (R1 RDHRS) exists to develop innovative mechanisms that link experts in healthcare disaster response with other key healthcare, governmental and community partners and stakeholders to improve coordination of planning and response activities and support optimal patient care during disasters.
For more information on their resources and services, visit the site linked on the button below.
IPRO QIN-QIO Upcoming Events
The IPRO QIN-QIO works to ensure high-quality, safe health care in New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
To become involved with their trainings and resources, enroll with them below