August 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition Newsletter
As a valued partner of the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC), you will receive this quarterly newsletter highlighting coalition business, upcoming events and preparedness resources. As a reminder, we recommend that you bookmark the VHEPC website calendar and check it often. We are continually curating the calendar with meetings, trainings and exercises.
Our Mission
Our coalition is a multi-disciplinary partnership collaborating with our members, stakeholders, and surrounding communities to improve and expand emergency preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. The VHEPC works with healthcare entities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies in the state of Vermont.
Upcoming VHEPC Events
Full Coalition Meeting- August 8th
VHEPC Announcements
2024-2026 VHEPC Executive Committee
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome the newest members of the 2024-2026 VHEPC Executive Committee!
Ariel Young
Organization and position: Emergency Management Specialist, Program Manager for the White River Junction VA Healthcare System
Role on committee: Member At-Large
Bio: Ariel joined the VA Healthcare System in 2015 as a Training Officer for the Environmental Management Service. She was hired on to develop a brand-new training program for the department.
In January 2021, Ariel accepted the Emergency Management Specialist, Program Manager position. She also manages the WRJ Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System (DEMPS) which is the VHA main deployment program for clinical and non-clinical staff to an emergency or disaster. DEMPS supports internal VA mission as well as supporting a mission under the NRF ESF #8. Read her full bio HERE.
Anthony Simanskas
Organization and position: Lieutenant Paramedic with the Williston Fire Department
Role on committee: Member At-Large
Bio: Anthony is the department’s EMS and Paramedic Coordinator. He started with the Williston Fire Department in 2008 as an intern through the Vermont Technical College Fire Science program. Once he received his degree, he stayed on as a volunteer until he was hired full time in 2011. During his time as the EMS and Paramedic Coordinator he successfully coordinated the roll out of Handtevy for the Department and was the first Department in the state to start utilizing the system. Furthermore, He secured funding to purchase a CyanoKit for the Department and now are the only EMS agency in the northern part of the state to carry one. He is a also the committee member for the Falls Free Vermont Coalition and a clinical associate for the Vermont State University paramedic program.
Michael Sanville
Organization and position: Executive Director of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Management at North Country Hospital
Role on committee: Co-Chair
Bio: Michael has served the hospital for the past 25 years overseeing the supply chain functions of the hospital. In 2014, he also assumed the responsibilities of building an Emergency Preparedness program and guided that department through CAT and Vigilant Guard exercises. In 2017, he stepped down from Emergency Preparedness to focus fulltime on the hospital supply chain. Under new hospital leadership in 2023, he became the Executive Director of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Management. Since then, he has focused on rebuilding the hospital Emergency Preparedness program and working with area and State personnel to strengthen our response capabilities. Read his full bio HERE.
The 2024-2026 VHEPC Executive Committee:
Chair: Jonathan Scott (Vermont Department of Health)
Co-Chair: Michael Sanville (North Country Hospital)
Member At-Large: Anthony Simanskas (Williston Fire Department)
Member At-Large: Ariel Young (White River Junction VA Medical Center)
Member At-Large: Emma Harrigan (Vermont Association of Hospitals and Healthcare Systems)
Clinical Advisors: Dr. David Nelson & Dr. Ryan Sexton
HPP Coordinator: Kate Hammond
Fiscal Agent: Ginny Schwartzer
VEM Representative: Kristin Brynga
VHEPC Staff: Baillie Brooks, Hannah James, & Mary Beth Skarote
Supporting the Community through Historic Flooding: Central Vermont Medical Center’s 2023 Experience
Read the full ASPR TRACIE’s article in The Exchange, Issue 19.
Vermont’s New Medical Transportation Resource List
The VHEPC Patient Transfer Coordination Support Workgroup previously identified the need for a statewide list of patient transportation resources. As a result, VHEPC created the Vermont Medical Transportation List this past Spring,
The Medical Transportation Resource List has been compiled into a dashboard for viewing, which is located on the VHEPC website. The dashboard contains the following details on transportation resources; (1) service area, (2) payor limitations, (3) days and hours of service, (4) limitations of type of patient to transport, (5) number of units, (6) capacity of units, (7) contact Information, (8) MOUs, and more! We encourage you to share this resource with anyone who could benefit from it.
DISCLAIMER: We understand that this tool does NOT encompass ALL medical transportation services across the state. This tool will continue to evolve and we will be taking ongoing feedback and making changes to fulfill member and partner needs as time progresses.
The agencies and organizations included in this list were found during preliminary research. If your agency/organization provides non-emergent or interfacility transfers and are not included in this list or have edits to make regarding your organization we ask that you please fill out the survey below. VHEPC staff will update the dashboard with the information you have provided.
The Q1 Full Coalition Meeting on August 8th will include a training for members on how to more thoroughly utilize this new tool. We hope you are able to join us!
Vermont Emergency Preparedness Conference
The 2024 Vermont Emergency Preparedness Conference will be held September 10th-11th, 2024, in person, at Lake Morey Resort (with limited sessions available virtually). Sessions will begin at 9:00am and the day will end by 4:15pm each day. This conference is free to attend, with breakfast and lunch provided at no cost to all registered attendees.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) raises the awareness about why vaccines are important for people of all ages and how they can help prevent serious, sometimes deadly, diseases and illnesses. NIAM is now more important than ever with the emergence of diseases such as COVID-19.
Save the date
for the first in a series of Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors’ (NQIIC) Immunization Small Talk Sessions: Session 1: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Getting to “YES”, on August 6th at 12:00 pm: Celebrating National Immunization Awareness Month. Register Here
emPOWER Program Overview
Program Development and Coverage
The emPOWER program, developed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) in collaboration with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), serves approximately 4.2 million Medicare beneficiaries. Of these, 2.6 million have claims for electricity-dependent durable medical equipment (DME), and 2.8 million have claims for one or more critical healthcare service
Necessity of emPOWER
The emPOWER program addresses urgent needs during emergencies. Disruptions caused by local incidents, such as prolonged power outages, or large-scale events like pandemics, can quickly escalate into life-threatening situations for at-risk individuals. These individuals may:
Overwhelm emergency medical services (EMS) and hospitals while seeking care or power sources.
Face severe risks if they shelter in place without the ability to evacuate safely.
Such scenarios result in surges in healthcare demand, which stress public health systems, emergency management, and first responders, potentially leading to adverse health outcomes for the affected populations.
New Training Opportunities
New Web-Based Courses on Pandemic Planning, Mass Care
Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) has launched several new web-based courses on pandemic preparedness and response and mass care community sheltering and relocation assistance. These trainings highlight best practices and lessons learned, with a specific focus on the needs of society’s most vulnerable. They can assist the public health workforce, and other practitioners and community organizations, to prepare for and bounce back from catastrophic events.
The following self-study courses are now available on TRAIN:
When Minutes Matter: Alert and Warning Communications for Wildfires Community of Practice Webinar
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce a Community of Practice webinar for Alerts and Warnings Communications. This webinar continues the peer-to- peer learning, social science insights, and technical discussions initiated through the When Minutes Matter: Alert and Warning Communications for Wildfires Technical Assistance Workshops.
Who Should Participate?
The webinar is open to individuals with a role in communicating emergency protective action guidance to the public. American Sign Language and Live Closed Captioning Services will be available.
Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Time: 2 -4 PM ET/11 AM-1 PM PT
Contact FEMA with Questions: After you register, you will receive the Zoom link in an email from the Zoom Events team titled “Alert and Warning Communications Community of Practice Webinar Confirmation.”
REAC/TS Provides Accredited Continuing Medical Education in All Aspects of Radiation Emergency Medicine
REAC/TS, as part of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, offers accredited continuing medical education courses in radiation emergency medicine. Many types of professionals can benefit from the lectures, discussions, hands-on activities and role-playing exercises as they learn about the different aspects of the medical management of a radiological/nuclear incident.
Courses are scheduled throughout the year at the REAC/TS facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, or these courses can be customized and taught at locations worldwide, such as hospitals, nuclear facilities and first responder agencies.
CDC PHEP Connects Webinar- Strengthening Community Resilience: Bridging Disaster Behavioral Health Across All Phases and Disasters”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
August 14th @ 1:00 PM ET
This webinar will describe the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) role in fostering and supporting disaster behavioral health in all phases of disasters, including emergency response. SAMHSA presenters will highlight resources tailored for public health communities to seamlessly integrate mental health and substance abuse tools and resources into the broader scope of public health and medical emergency management. The webinar will also cover SAMHSA's efforts prior to, during, and after disasters, as well as the guiding principles and available resources in disaster behavioral health, including workforce support. Presenters will also discuss the significance of disaster behavioral health in addressing emerging challenges such as extreme heat and climate change.
Connection Information:
Dial-In: (669) 254-5252 (Audio only)
Meeting ID: 161 241 1865
Passcode: 569595
Vermont Learning Management System
Most trainings require a Learning Management System(LMS) account. If you don’t have an account, you can register for one here.
Federal Partner Offerings: L0449- Incident Command System Curricula Train-the-Trainer: This course expands and improves students’ ability to deliver National Incident Management System (NIMS) curricula. Students are provided training on the delivery of:
ICS-100: Introduction to the ICS
ICS-200: Basic ICS for Initial Response
ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
ICS-400: Advanced ICS for Complex Incidents
G0402: NIMS Overview for Executives and Senior Officials
E/L/G0191: Emergency Operations Center/ICS Interface
Emphasis is placed on classroom-based deliveries. This includes compliance with the NIMS Training Program, adult education methodologies, deployment of course activities, pre- and post-testing, and ICS training program management. Located at the Regional Response Coordination Center, Maynard, MA on August 19- 23, 2024, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. each day. See State Learning Management System for full list of prerequisites. REGISTRATION: State Training Officers (STOs)(Hillarie Scott) will pre-screen all applicants based upon the above “Target Audience” and their completion of the courses found in the above“ Prerequisites”.
ICS 400- Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff: This course provides training for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in ICS 100 through ICS 300 courses, which are prerequisites for the ICS 400 course
LOCATION: Norwich Fire Department- Norwich, VT
DATE/TIME: August 6-7, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. each day
PREREQUISITES: ICS-100, ICS- 200 and ICS- 300
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
G0191- ICS/EOC Interface
This course provides an opportunity for participants to begin developing an effective interface between the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for their community by applying Incident Command System (ICS) principles. This course reviews ICS and EOC responsibilities and functions and depends heavily on exercises and group discussions to identify interface issues and develop solutions. As part of the course, these concepts are then applied to exercise situations.
LOCATION: Manchester Community Library, Manchester, VT
DATE/TIME: August 13, 2024, 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
PREREQUISITES: IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, and IS-800
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
VT- Alert Manager Training: This training is intended for Town Officials who use VT-Alert for public notifications. This class is required for all people who will be using the program at the manager level. This training can also act as a refresher as needed. The class will be approximately 1.5 hours long and consist of sending live test alerts. A computer and internet connection are required. A second computer monitor is highly suggested as there is a follow along portion to the class. Prior to the training please confirm that your town has the required VT-Alert adoption paperwork. If you are unsure please contact
DATE/TIME: August 14, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
ICS 300- Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: This course focuses on management of expanding incidents and is intended for those who will be serving in the following positions: command staff, section chiefs, strike team leaders, unit leaders, division and group supervisors, branch directors, multi-agency coordination system staff, and Emergency Operations Center staff. This course is for middle management, strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division and group supervisors, branch directors, Emergency Operations Center staff.
LOCATION: DPS Headquarters- Waterbury, VT
DATE/TIME: August 20-22, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. each day
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
For a complete listing of trainings go to the Events Calendar in the LMS.
Ongoing Training Options
HHS/ASPR Project ECHO Clinical Readiness Rounds Sessions
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and Project ECHO have launched this program designed to create peer-to-peer learning networks where clinicians who have more experience treating patients in emergency situations share their challenges and successes with clinicians across the U.S. and around the world with a wide variety of experience of these situations. Topics for sessions are based on new and emergent information around emergency preparedness, as well as topics requested by participants.
Clinical Readiness Rounds sessions occur every month on the first Tuesday from 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT, Upcoming sessions include:
August 6th- PPE Tips That Will Save Your Life with Jill Morgan
Click here to see all upcoming sessions or here to register for an upcoming Clinical Readiness Rounds session.
Vermont EMS for Children 2024 Case Review and PECC Open Forum
Join the Vermont Emergency Medical Services for Children for a monthly Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) open forum followed by a case review:
Next Meeting: August 27th, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - Case Review
Register Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 973 7212 2032
Passcode: EMSC
National Incident Management System Training
FEMA provides free emergency response trainings for those wishing to improve their training and knowledge in National Incident Management System (NIMS). The FEMA website provides more detail stating “The Emergency Management Institute works in collaboration with the whole community to provide training in support of the NIMS Training Program. The Preparedness Branch coordinates EMI’s NIMS training efforts with the National Integration Center (NIC) to integrate NIMS doctrine and training with whole community needs.
See link below for more information and to view available trainings.
Regional Disaster Health Response System- Regional Webinars
The Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) envisions a coordinated, resilient and seamless system of partners working together to ensure the healthcare needs of the public can be met in times of disaster. At all levels of the RDHRS, activities aim to optimize clinical surge capacity and, provide appropriate clinical and healthcare operational expertise to support healthcare disaster response planning. Within the Regional Webinars, specific topics including Family Reunification, the Ebola Outbreak, Pediatric Respiratory Illness and much more have been recorded for healthcare education!
New Hampshire Emergency Management Courses
These training courses, developed and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are available to officials from all levels of government, emergency services personnel, representatives from private sector organizations, representatives of business and industry, and others with responsibility for response to or management of resources related to emergency preparedness activities of government.
Partner Resources
Pacific ADA Communication and Technology Page
Communication doesn't work if it's not accessible to the person receiving it. Learn:
How to make sure your information is accessible
What the ADA requires for business and government communication
Examples of technology people with disabilities may use
What people with disabilities should know about their communication rights
What a disability is (according to the ADA) and who the ADA protects
Click the links below to learn more regarding:
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Training Bulletin
June 2024 Edition
CISA is the operational lead for federal cybersecurity and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience. CISA works with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborate to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future, including a broad array of online training options.
ASTHO Public Health Weekly
Week of July 18, 2024 Highlights
ASPR Health Care Readiness Bulletin
Week of July 29, 2024
This bulletin provides the latest news and information related to ASPR's Health Care Readiness Programs, in addition to links to a variety of emergency preparedness and response tools and resources. View bulletin here.
EMSC Pulse
July 2024 Edition
New Study Highlights Pediatric Readiness Mortality Impact Over Time: A study published this month in JAMA Network Open emphasizes the mortality impact of Pediatric Readiness in trauma centers over time. The study explored the impact in terms of changes in trauma center’s Pediatric Readiness scores between the 2013 and 2021 National Pediatric Readiness Project Assessments, which measures ED Pediatric Readiness on a scale of 0-100. Findings showed trauma centers with high readiness (persistent or increased to) saved an additional 643 lives over the eight year period. Trauma centers with low readiness (persistent or decreased to) had 729 preventable deaths. The results also suggested that a threshold of 90 points or higher may optimize the number of lives saved. Read the full study.
Express: July 2024
This issue of The Express highlights the following new and updated resources:
Volunteer Management Topic Collection (Updated)
Veterinary Issues Topic Collection (Updated)
Many of our stakeholders are recovering from the effects of Hurricane Beryl and preparing for an above normal 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. Our Hurricane Resources Page houses helpful resources like After the Flood: Mold-Specific Resources and Tips for Retaining and Caring for Staff after a Disaster. Please reach out to ASPR TRACIE if you need technical assistance.
Vermont Emergency Management Newsletter
Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) sends out a monthly newsletter that informs Emergency Preparedness workers about statewide trainings, exercises, conferences and other activities. To sign up for their monthly newsletter, please click here or view the most recent VEM Newsletter below.
New Hampshire Monthly Training Newsletter
State of New Hampshire
Most of the classes are tuition free and help prepare the responders, citizens, volunteers, and decision makers to prepare, prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from emergencies. You can get the most updated list of training for HSEM at here.
To view the most recent NH Newsletter, please click on the button below.
Region 1 Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS)
The Region 1 Disaster Health Response System (R1 RDHRS) exists to develop innovative mechanisms that link experts in healthcare disaster response with other key healthcare, governmental and community partners and stakeholders to improve coordination of planning and response activities and support optimal patient care during disasters.
For more information on their resources and services, visit the site linked on the button below.
IPRO QIN-QIO Upcoming Events
The IPRO QIN-QIO works to ensure high-quality, safe health care in New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
To become involved with their trainings and resources, enroll with them below