November 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition Newsletter
As a valued partner of the Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC), you will receive this quarterly newsletter highlighting coalition business, upcoming events and preparedness resources. As a reminder, we recommend that you bookmark the VHEPC website calendar and check it often. We are continually curating the calendar with meetings, trainings and exercises.
Our Mission
Our coalition is a multi-disciplinary partnership collaborating with our members, stakeholders, and surrounding communities to improve and expand emergency preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. The VHEPC works with healthcare entities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies in the state of Vermont.
Upcoming VHEPC Events
Full Coalition Meeting- November 14th
VHEPC Medical Response & Surge Exercise-February 13th, 2025
Please register for the event by clicking on the flyer below:
VHEPC Announcements
Supply Chain Recommendations & Resources
As a result of Baxter’s North Cove manufacturing site being significantly impacted by the rain and storm surge from Hurricane Helene, VHEPC has added a webpage to our Member Portal of the VHEPC website specifically to keep membership up to date on the latest supply chain recommendations and resources. This website is updated regularly as new material becomes available.
2024 Baxter Disruption
2024 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference
Visions of Progress: Sustainable Strategies for Emergency Preparedness and Resilience
VHEPC Coalition Coordinators along with some of our Executive Committee members, Vermont Department of Health staff and our two Clinical Advisors will be attending the 2024 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference, to be held December 10-12, 2024 in Orlando, Florida. We will use this opportunity to advance our individual and collective skill sets by participating in over 40 sessions of content to chose from, learning best practices, building partnerships, and interacting with the latest technology and industry thought leaders exhibiting. We look forward to sharing this content and our lessons learned with our membership in 2025!
VHEPC Supply Chain and Resource Assessment Survey Coming Soon!
Please keep an eye out for an email from VHEPC asking you to complete this important survey by November 29th. The data gathered from the survey will be compiled into the Supply Chain Integrity and Resource Analysis Reports and shared on the coalition website, assisting members in coordinating resources during any future emergencies.
November is National Diabetes Month
November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country seek to bring attention to diabetes. This year’s focus is on taking action to prevent diabetes health problems.
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. It affects about 38 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and it is linked to some types of cancer.
But there’s also good news: Taking charge of your health may help you prevent diabetes health problems.
Vermont’s Medical Transportation Resource List
A statewide list of patient transportation resources available for your organization’s planning needs!
In August, VHEPC released The Medical Transportation Resource Dashboard, which is located on the VHEPC website. The dashboard contains the following details on transportation resources; (1) service area, (2) payor limitations, (3) days and hours of service, (4) limitations of type of patient to transport, (5) number of units, (6) capacity of units, (7) contact Information, (8) MOUs, and more! We encourage you to share this resource with anyone who could benefit from it.
We understand that this tool does NOT encompass ALL medical transportation services across the state and will continue to evolve over time. If your agency/organization provides non-emergent or interfacility transfers and are not included in this list or have edits to make regarding your organization we ask that you please fill out the survey below. VHEPC staff will update the dashboard with the information you have provided.
Twiage Presentation at the October VHEPC Patient Transport Coordination Support Workgroup Meeting
VHEPC created a Patient Transport Coordination Support Workgroup as a result of the identified statewide transport problems in Vermont. In June of 2023, a series of MCI Workshops were conducted across the state, with 35 organizations participating. The workshops were an introduction to MCI planning, helped to identify barriers and support to implement potential solutions. The workgroup continues to meet bimonthly to focus on both disaster movement of patients on a large scale (MCIs), as well as day-to-day operations. The workgroup invited Johnny McKay, VP of Growth for Twiage, to present on their communication platform at the October 16th meeting. This meeting recording is available for viewing below for anyone who may be interested.
*NOTE- VHEPC is not endorsing or promoting any specific product, service, or company discussed in this video. This presentation is being shared solely for informational purposes.
Additionally, if you may be interested in joining the VHEPC Patient Transport Coordination Support Workgroup, you can register HERE.
New Training Opportunities
Pacific ADA Center: Upcoming Trainings
Spa Resorts – An Experience for Everyone- Nov 7th, 2024, 11:30AM-1:00PM PT
Spas provide a variety of services for improving health, beauty, and relaxation. In this session, presenters will cover elements and spaces within spa resorts and the relevant accessibility requirements in the ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards. Such elements and spaces include locker rooms, saunas, soaking tubs, pools, and fitness equipment. Presenters will also provide...
Essential Strategies for Creating Accessible Social Media Content- Nov 26th, 2024, 10:00AM-11:30AM PT
Every day, millions of Americans use social media to engage with their favorite brands and influencers – including the federal government. Federal agencies have a crucial duty to engage the public effectively, share important information, and provide essential services to all Americans, including individuals with disabilities. Among other requirements, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation...
Pediatric Pandemic Network: Pediatric Disaster Scientist Research Training Program
Pediatric Pandemic Network (PPN) is offering “R25: Pediatric Disaster Science Research Training Program” a year-long program for fellows, postdocs, and faculty interested in pediatric disaster science research. Starting January 2025, it covers research methods, program evaluation, grant writing, and networking.
REAC/TS Provides Accredited Continuing Medical Education in All Aspects of Radiation Emergency Medicine
REAC/TS, as part of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, offers accredited continuing medical education courses in radiation emergency medicine. Many types of professionals can benefit from the lectures, discussions, hands-on activities and role-playing exercises as they learn about the different aspects of the medical management of a radiological/nuclear incident.
Courses are scheduled throughout the year at the REAC/TS facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, or these courses can be customized and taught at locations worldwide, such as hospitals, nuclear facilities and first responder agencies.
AHEPP Educational Webinars
Resilient Hospitals - Mastering IT Downtime Preparedness - Presented by Mark Van Dyke, M-Ed, November 13, 2024, 11am CT
Autism and Emergency Sheltering - A Preparedness Guide for Children with Autism and their Caregivers - Presented by Rrose LaMay, MPH Student, University of Nebraska Medical Center, December 11, 2024, 11am CT
Pediatric Response Planning Pre-Conference Session Preview- Presented by Julianne Ehlers, January 8, 2024, 11am CT
Mark Your Calendars for the 2025 Access and Functional Needs Conference!
Colorado's Access and Functional Needs Program is excited to announce the 2025 Access and Functional Needs Conference, located at Great Wolf Lodge in Colorado Springs, CO! This year we are focusing on the “T” in CMIST, Transportation Resources. This resource is critical for anyone in a disaster, and can vary from land, air, and water transportation, ranging from paratransit, passenger planes, rideshare platforms, ferries, and even personal vehicles (including friends, family, and neighbor support). For more information about CMIST, please view our fact sheet. If you or your organization offers “T” Transportation resources that can support Emergency Management before, during, and after a disaster, we would love to have you join us!
Dates and Times
April 8 | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Transportation resource disruptions in Planning and Mitigation (before disasters)
Exhibitors' Networking Social | 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
April 9 | 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Transportation resource disruptions in Response and Recovery (during and after disasters)
April 10 | 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Transportation Resource Disruption Tabletop Exercise
Vermont Learning Management System
Most trainings require a Learning Management System(LMS) account. If you don’t have an account, you can register for one here.
L0146 Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) course provides a comprehensive overview of exercise design along with practical skill development. Using the same terminology and processes, this course will provide activities that will give participants an opportunity to interact with many of the templates and other materials that are provided by the National Exercise Division to ensure exercises are conducted in a consistent manner. Anyone who will be a member of an exercise design team or fulfill a role in one of the following areas of the exercise design process: design, development, conduct, evaluation or improvement process for exercise. The primary audience for the course is training officers, exercise managers, persons that will utilize the exercise and evaluation system and persons interested in becoming an HSEEP Evaluator for Vermont Emergency Management.
LOCATION: DCF Office, Brattleboro, VT
DATE/TIME: November 12-13, 2024, 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
REGISTRATION: State Learning Management System
Vermont Local Emergency Management Director Course
This course will familiarize Local Emergency Management Directors (EMD) and Coordinators (EMC) with major roles, responsibilities, and “how to do it” guidance, across all four phases of Emergency Management.
Day 1: November 19, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Day 2: November 20, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Must attend both days to receive credit.
REGISTRATION: State Learning Management System
State Emergency Operation Center Orientation
The purpose of this training is to provide an overview of the State Emergency Operations Center. This course is ONLY available to those who staff the Vermont State Emergency Operations Center.
LOCATION: DPS Headquarters, Waterbury, VT
DATE/TIME: November 26, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
PREREQUISITES: ICS-100 and WebEOC Sate User Training
REGISTRATION: State Learning Management System
VT- Alert Manager Training: This training is intended for Town Officials who use VT-Alert for public notifications. This class is required for all people who will be using the program at the manager level. This training can also act as a refresher as needed. The class will be approximately 1.5 hours long and consist of sending live test alerts. A computer and internet connection are required. A second computer monitor is highly suggested as there is a follow along portion to the class. Prior to the training please confirm that your town has the required VT-Alert adoption paperwork. If you are unsure please contact
DATE/TIME: November 20, 2024, 1:00 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.
REGISTRATION: via State Learning Management System
For a complete listing of trainings go to the Events Calendar in the LMS.
Ongoing Training Options
HHS/ASPR Project ECHO Clinical Readiness Rounds Sessions
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and Project ECHO have launched this program designed to create peer-to-peer learning networks where clinicians who have more experience treating patients in emergency situations share their challenges and successes with clinicians across the U.S. and around the world with a wide variety of experience of these situations. Topics for sessions are based on new and emergent information around emergency preparedness, as well as topics requested by participants.
Clinical Readiness Rounds sessions occur every month on the first Tuesday from 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT.
Vermont EMS for Children 2024 Case Review and PECC Open Forum
Join the Vermont Emergency Medical Services for Children on the last Tuesday of every month for a6Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) open forum followed by a case review:
Next Meeting: November 26th, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - Case Review
Register Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 973 7212 2032, Passcode: EMSC
National Incident Management System Training
FEMA provides free emergency response trainings for those wishing to improve their training and knowledge in National Incident Management System (NIMS). The FEMA website provides more detail stating “The Emergency Management Institute works in collaboration with the whole community to provide training in support of the NIMS Training Program. The Preparedness Branch coordinates EMI’s NIMS training efforts with the National Integration Center (NIC) to integrate NIMS doctrine and training with whole community needs.
See link below for more information and to view available trainings.
Regional Disaster Health Response System- Regional Webinars
The Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) envisions a coordinated, resilient and seamless system of partners working together to ensure the healthcare needs of the public can be met in times of disaster. At all levels of the RDHRS, activities aim to optimize clinical surge capacity and, provide appropriate clinical and healthcare operational expertise to support healthcare disaster response planning. Within the Regional Webinars, specific topics including Family Reunification, the Ebola Outbreak, Pediatric Respiratory Illness and much more have been recorded for healthcare education!
New Hampshire Emergency Management Courses
These training courses, developed and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are available to officials from all levels of government, emergency services personnel, representatives from private sector organizations, representatives of business and industry, and others with responsibility for response to or management of resources related to emergency preparedness activities of government.
Partner Resources
Pacific ADA Center Updates
November 2024Highlights
Veterans Day is November 11th and honors those who have served in the U.S. Military. In recognition of this day, it’s important to remember the rights veterans with physical or mental disabilities have under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These include important protections for veterans with disabilities who are looking for jobs or already have a job. To learn more, please review the following helpful resources:
ADA: Know Your Rights - Returning Service Members with Disabilities - U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Veterans and the ADA- ADA National Network
Veterans and Service Members- Job Accommodation Network
Understanding Your Employment Rights Under the ADA: A Guide for Veterans- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Disabled Veterans- Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Training Bulletin
October 2024 Edition
CISA is the operational lead for federal cybersecurity and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience. CISA works with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborate to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future, including a broad array of online training options.
ASTHO Public Health Weekly
Week of October 28, 2024 Highlights
Federal Policies Search for Insights and Solutions into Long COVID- Millions of adults in the United States have experienced Long COVID, which can affect multiple organs and cause lasting symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. Groups at higher risk include women, people with underlying conditions, those who had severe COVID-19 cases, and Hispanic individuals. Federal and legislative initiatives aim to improve quality and equity of care. Learn more.
Improving Access to Critical Medications- A recent CDC Health Alert Network touched on peritoneal dialysis and intravenous solution availability during Hurricane Helene. As a helpful asset to partners, the advisory cited an ASTHO policy toolkit as a valuable public health agency resource for improving access to essential medications. Learn more.
ASPR Health Care Readiness Bulletin
Week of November 4, 2024
ASPR Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) Resource Spotlight: Crisis Standards of Care Considerations, De-Escalation of Care Tip Sheet
De-escalation of clinical care includes considering available space, staff, and supplies (interventions) and how the healthcare facility may adapt these resources to avoid or reduce crisis care. This tip sheet includes considerations for de-escalation based on resource availability and patient characteristics.
EMSC Pulse
October 2024 Edition
New Resources on Child Abuse: EMSC's Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kit (PEAK) offers comprehensive resources to assist health practitioners and families in identifying and managing child abuse. Read more.
Improving Survival through Pediatric Readiness: Research indicates that children treated at trauma centers well-prepared for pediatric care have a higher chance of survival. Read more.
Featured resources: The Pediatric Pandemic Network has curated resources for coping with armed conflicts, to provide support for health care providers, parents, caregivers, and children during challenging times.
Express: October 2024 Highlights
Medical product shortages can follow hurricanes and other extreme weather incidents. Most recently, flooding due to Hurricane Helene inundated a Baxter International facility in North Carolina, one of the key intravenous (IV) fluid suppliers in the U.S. The new tipsheet Intravenous Fluid Shortage Strategies contains information that can help healthcare providers modify traditional practices and conserve product.
Access the Letter to Health Care Leaders and Stakeholders on Impacts of Hurricane Helene from Secretary Becerra and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Hurricane Helene: Baxter's Manufacturing Recovery in North Carolina for additional information and updates. Our Medical Product Shortages and Scarce Resources and Hurricane Resources Page may also be helpful for those stakeholders affected by recent and ongoing storms. Please reach out to us if you need technical assistance.
This issue of The Express highlights the following new and updated resources:
Medical Operations Coordination Centers (MOCCs) (New Resource Page)
MOCC Toolkit (Version 3.0) (Updated)
Burn Mass Casualty Incidents: Triage, Assessment, and Treatment Considerations
Communications Systems and Information Sharing Topic Collections (Updated)
Pediatric Issues Informing Current and Future Disaster Planning (Webinar Recording)
Addressing the Impacts of Weather on Rural Health (Register Today!)
Vermont Emergency Management Newsletter
Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) sends out a monthly newsletter that informs Emergency Preparedness workers about statewide trainings, exercises, conferences and other activities. To sign up for their monthly newsletter, please click here or view the most recent VEM Newsletter below.
New Hampshire Monthly Training Newsletter
State of New Hampshire
Most of the classes are tuition free and help prepare the responders, citizens, volunteers, and decision makers to prepare, prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from emergencies. You can get the most updated list of training for HSEM at here.
To view the most recent NH Newsletter, please click on the button below.
Region 1 Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS)
The Region 1 Disaster Health Response System (R1 RDHRS) exists to develop innovative mechanisms that link experts in healthcare disaster response with other key healthcare, governmental and community partners and stakeholders to improve coordination of planning and response activities and support optimal patient care during disasters.
For more information on their resources and services, visit the site linked on the button below.
IPRO QIN-QIO Upcoming Events
The IPRO QIN-QIO works to ensure high-quality, safe health care in New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
To become involved with their trainings and resources, enroll with them below